Two weeks.... Again. Boy I really suck at this huh?
My liver is shot. I'm convinced of this. I don't think there was one night this week that I DIDN'T have a beer. Ugh. I'm not used to this considering Bug is normally home and I very rarely drink 2 days in a row. Add the 4th of July festivities on top of that and well... I'm fucking tired!!!!
Last weekend was the Fireman's Tournament. Yes, all the small fire departments from the 4 neighboring counties all get together and compete in different things. One was they had to sit in chairs and once the whistle blew they had to get their jackets, boots and hats on and run over to a big garbage can and fill their 5 gallon pickle pail with water, run over to another garbage can and dump their water. Only their buckets had about one hundred holes in them. It's hilarious to watch. Not to mention that most of them are drunk by noon that day. Another game was to take a long string held up by two forklift sort of machines. An emtpy keg is in the middle and there are knots on either side. They have to take the hoses and shoot water until the keg reaches the opposing teams knot. Freaking funny ass shit. (You probalby have to be there.) All I can say is Only in the UP!
They had a fireman's ball that night in the Armory. They had a kick ass band playing and everything. After the bag pipers we were going to go in but it was $5 per person to get in and they didn't have canned beer--only keg. Well I don't do keg beer so I talked the gang into going down the street to a bar to get a "real" beer. Got in there and it was an odd crowd. So we hopped back in the truck and went down the street to the next bar. They had karaoke. Now anyone who knows me knows I dont do karaoke. Oh boy. The karaoke I did that night!!! George & I did the Grease Lighting megamix, Jess & I did Strawberry Wine for her dad that she'd just buried a few days earlier (he always called me the Strawberry Queen after a dacquari night Jess & I went on), George & B were singing some Pour Some Sugar On Me. OMFG did we have a good time!!! George's sister & BIL were at a casino about 1.5-2 hrs away, they came back to party with us. George had 21 drink tickets for the fireman's ball (it was only $1 a glass!) so he wanted to leave and use up his tickets. Well there was NO way I was leaving a bar that I was having a kick ass time in to walk all the way back down there to drink keg beer. Ew. Not happening. So the guys left and we stayed and sang. OMFG did I have a good time!!! Of course the 4 shots that I had really helped with growing a set of balls I needed to get up and sing. I sounded like shit and I didn't care in the least! Had a GREAT time!
Hightlights from the Green Bay trip--
I haven't done anything with my pics from the 4th yet so those will have to be later.
Later bitches!