Well it's been a while since I've hopped on here. I had decided not to do halloween this year because of GNCT and then re-decided to go. Well now the 2 girls that were coming w/ me backed out. They both actually have legit reasons but it still sucks. Another friend of mine is still game. We're thinking about going as angels. Fitting don't you think?
George will be filing FINALLY. Get the shit done! Ugh.
My baby girl turned 7 yesterday. It's so hard to believe that she's that old already. Where does all the time go?
The house is coming along. Slowly but surely. I still have crap in the garage that needs to be put away but at least the rest of the house is pretty much put together. Just some painting to do now.
My fucking dog has been insane since we moved here. She's chewing EVERYTHING. EVERY SINGLE DAY. And every day she's shitting somewhere in the house. I fucking come home from work on a daily basis to let her out too. I think she's jealous of George to be quite honest. But today I came home and she had Bug's clothes box from her bday chewed up as well as a peice of wood that she got some God only knows where. I still can't figure it out. Yesterday, it was the cats cardboard scratching thing and a package that held Bug's make-up set. UGH seriously!? Where is the Dog Whisperer when I need him??????
My mom went right off the deep end. She's fucking crazy. She sent me an email Sunday morning before my daughter's bday party basically ripping me to shreads. All I can say about it is WTF?! Maybe I'll write more on that later. We'll see...
That's about all I have believe it or not. I had a bunch of stuff earlier that I'd thought about but now I can't remember what the hell it was. Go figure.
Later betches!
Why I love the Patriots…
6 years ago
You didn't tell me about your mom!
Hey. I'll trade you one kitten with diarrhea, squirting all over my house for your eateverything puppy......
Love ya babe.
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