Oh have we gotten the snow over the past couple days. Ewww. School was cancelled Tuesday and then today they let the kids out early. At this time last year we had NO snow. We barely had any at Christmas time. I was thinking about getting Bug some cross country ski's but with the lack of snow it hardly made any sense. I get this is what I get for laughing at Vix last year. Damn it.
I recently re-found my gay friend Todd. We worked together at 2 different airlines and became the best of friends. We have the EXACT same taste in men and we'd always laugh about it. Whether one guy was "my" type or "his" type. We'd bet on it. It was sooo much fun. We'd lost touch a few years back but I somehow re-found him. I'm soooo happy!!! I made the fucker build a MS page too, which he FINALLY but reluctantly did yesterday. We've been chatting via MS for 2 days straight now. God I love him! He's my little man whore. Well come to find out today, in an email he says "did I ever tell you about the hot guy that I blew in baggage?" I told him he hadn't told me about it. Anyway to make a long story short, we did the same fucking guy! That was my "WHAT THE FUCK?" moment of the day!!! I used to call him (the hot guy) "Hollywood" because he was just so damn good looking. Ugh. Hot, muscular, Italian. HOT! Todd and I would smoke cigarettes in between flights and gawk at the hot men working the underground baggage for the various airlines. Sad to say but I cannot remember hot Italian guys name and neither can Todd. (Boy maybe we're both whores huh!?) I have it somewhere I'll have to dig it out to make absolutely CERTAIN it's the same guy. OMFG. What are the odds that I'd find a bisexual man!? I mean with women it's different. In my opinion anyway. Nice. Wonder if Todd got my leftovers or if I got his?!?!?!!?!? Hahahah!@ I'm sorry, all I can do is laugh. And maybe get an HIV test. Actually I've had one and I'm clean. Seriously though, it did make me think--- you think you know someone and you really don't. You have NO idea. Wow. So, that's my WTF moment of the day. Maybe I should start blogging those every day. I usually have at least one.
Tonight is the "big" game. Cowboys vs Packers. George and my cousins hubby have a big bet going. T's routing for the Cowboys (aka "America's Team") where as George is a diehard Packer Backer. They originally bet a case of beer but then decided that the case of beer will be drank and split between them during the game. Whoever is the loser, must go to the store and purchase apparel of the opposing team and get their picture taken in it (complete with smile and finger showing #1), which will then be included in the local paper to be on display for all to see... I will post the results. Ugh. Seems all the Packer fans actually think Dallas is going to win. I, myself, am not a huge football fan. I understand the game a bit but a game like today, with them both being 10-1, it's bound to be a good and interesting game. Unfortunately it starts at 815p which sucks goat balls since I'll have to have Bug home and in bed around 9ish. Oh well, then at I can flick back and forth between my beloved Grey's and the score of the game. I'm sure there will be yelling and screaming for all. My cousin is a GB fan so I'm sure she'll be locking the bedroom door!
Anyway, time for me to drink beer. I'll attempt to update tomorow!
Why I love the Patriots…
6 years ago
I am dying about you guys doing the same dude. THAT is funny.
And ha.ha. about the snow. Meanwhile we haven't had ANY snow. WTH?! Weird I tell ya...
thas way too funny!
I'm in for the time to drink beer!
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