Hmmm... Fuck. Seriously. It's Tuesday and my week has already been totally fubar'd. Yesterday I got to work and found out that a co-worker has leukemia. WTF?! He's 37ish and his poor family has just been through the ringer with their 2 children being sick. One has a tube running from her brain into her stomach, they're constantly traveling to big specialty hospitals with her, the son is always injured in some way from hockey or whatever. He was also sick as a young child. Different things were wrong with him. Anyway, said co-worker hasn't been feeling well for a while. Quite a while. They finally did a bunch of blood work and it came back that he was anemic, which seemed strange since anemia is usually low iron levels. Anyway, I'm not an expert and he said they still had to do some more tests. Well during the blizzard (that actually wasn't more than 2inches here but 18 an hour away!) they didnt' want to have him drive up to get the results so they gave them to him over the phone AT WORK (WTF?! Granted it was bad out) so they could have him make arrangments bc he would need to leave to go to a hospital for more testing and most likely chemo treatments this week. The hospital is roughly 8 hrs away so it's not like they can commute there. So that was Monday.
Today I found out that my dad resigned last night at the town counsel meeting. Ugh. Fuck. He's chief of police but the new manager in town has made his life fucking hell. Just a total prick. He's leaving anyway, after being on the job for less than a year so WHY does he care what my dad does? He's micro managing and it's really totally screwed up. My dad has been on the force here for roughly 24 years and he's been chief for around 20 of them. Believe it or not he's the longest running chief that's ever been in this town. This prick comes in and tries to take over. Well he just had enough. He'll stay acting chief until they find a replacement and then he'll probably go back to being on patrol. Just really sucks. He used to enjoy his job until this fucking asshat came here. Just really sucks. *Really* sucks.
Piper's eye is better. Not gone but better. I don't think it'll completely go away.
Bug will be leaving mid June for her dad's house till mid August. I'm going to be one lonely girl. I think I need a hobby. Although I did just get my bike fixed. I also walked the dogs yesterday. Poor Piper was crying half way through the walk she was so tired. She has to basically run to keep up with Molly. I tried to pick her up but with all the snow melting she was MUD. I had to give them both a bath when we got home. Now THAT was fun especially considering they both hate them. I wanted to get Molly shaved down for the summer and do you THINK I can get her in to get groomed? No. Not till July. Are you kidding me!? WTF!? I might as well figure out how to do it and do it myself for the love of God!
Bug has bumps on her legs. I think it's "chicken skin" but I'm not sure. I have to take her to the Dr to have it looked at. I'm also going to get my cholesterol tested. I think I should. Almost every single person in my family (parents, grandparents, aunts & uncles) has high cholesterol. There is a free clinic next month but why not just get it checked now ya know? Why wait. I bet a lot oculd change in a month.
So I'm doing the Nivea Challenge. I saw a commercial the other day on TV so I thought, why not? It certainly can't hurt. Now I can't say that I'm following it to a "t" but I'm doing a good job. The other day called for 30 min of cardio or something so I figured, I'll box on the Wii. Man do my arms and back hurt. Not really hurt but I definately can feel it. Boxing is an excellent work out. I'm actually getting muscle back in my arms. Good Lord why did I let myself go?
George's neice has been back in the hospital since Friday or Sat. We found out on Sunday (see, started off the week I'm telling you). She wont' eat again. I believe they left today to bring her to yet another hospital that is supposed to be one of the best in the nation. I really hope she can get the help that she needs. Poor girl. She's so pretty and smart and just has so much going for her. Now she'll be roughly 20 hours away. You don't know if you should hug her bc you feel so bad or slap her for being so dumb. Maybe I'll just squeeze her really tight.
I painted all weekend. Kennebunkport Green (Ben Moore) down the hallway and then on 1 wall in the living room that connects to the hallway. The rest of the walls are Concord Ivory. I think I'll get some reddish colored curtains or a swag or something to brighten it up and give it some accent. There really was nothing else to do in the snow storm that really didn't happen so I was trying to prepare myself.
Ugh and my arch enemy is moving back. The Snaggletooth bitch has decided to divorce her husband who has supported her white trash ass all these years. Of course she waited till he retired from the Air Force so she could get half of his money. Dumb bitch. She already has a boyfriend up here yet she's living in FL. Hmmm.. wonder how THAT happened? Yet *I* am the homewrecking whore!? Go figure on that one. Those who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones. Funny thing is that I think she's dating the guy that she dated in high school, that I ended up dating a couple years ago. I think I talked about the psycho on my old blog. Anyway, she was calling him when I was dating him and her hubby was stationed in Korea for a year. Imagine that!? So through the grape vine I heard that she is moving back as soon as their son is out of school. Wonderfuckingful. Ugh. Seriously I'm sure that she and the 38 year old GNCT will have nothing better to do with their time this summer than attempt to make my life hell. GROW THE FUCK UP PEOPLE!!!!! Seriously, 38 years old and you ahve nothign better to do w/ your time than pick on your boyrfriend ex girlfriend?! What makes it sadder is that Snaggletooth and I were best friends from the time we were 7 years old until she fucked me over a few years ago and I washed my hands of her. Yet NOW she decides that SHE hates ME?! Uh, I didn't do anything wrong. Man, some people really live in their own worlds don't they? Dumbasswasteoflifehomewreckinggolddigginggoodfornothingdrunkenwhore. And yes that's how I really feel. I could go on and on if I really wanted to.
Ok I'm done. I need to go do something now. I'm not sure what. I had planned on stopping here and telling you that I didn't have time to really write and fill you in on the fuckedupness of people's lives in my life right now but well... you know me and I just cant' stop once I start.
I sure as hell hope you all are doing better than the others right now!
Rock On.
Why I love the Patriots…
6 years ago
oh my gosh I LOVE your blog ... I had to favorite it until I can blogroll it. Thank you so much for your kind words on my blog...
welcome to the delightful world of words.. ;)
I'm longwinded-- you've been warned! :)
That really sucks about your dad. I hadn't known about that. Blech.
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